Let me introduce FPS games that will be released in 2021 and games that game reviewers are looking forward to.

Call of duty / https://www.microsoft.com


There is the most popular FPS game "Call of Duty" series in the world. Although the market share of Call of Duty is not high in Asia, it is ranked No. 1 in FPS games worldwide. Numerous FPS games are under development worldwide. Will an FPS game be released that will challenge Call of Duty's reputation? Personally, I think a game that can inherit the fame of Call of Duty can be released.

Cross Fire X / https://www.xbox.com

Crossfire is about to be released as a console game.

First, Smilegate's "Crossfire" with a cumulative 670 million subscribers and up to 8 million concurrent users in more than 80 countries around the world will be released as a console game. It is the first console game for Crossfire IP under development using the "4th Generation Unreal Engine", developed by Smilegate and serviced by Microsoft. Crossfire X features a newly built single campaign against the backdrop of a world view of Crossfire, various maps, play modes, and community-oriented events that are constantly updated. In addition to the FPS game's traditional mode of team matches, Spectre mode, which has to fight transparent enemies, and Crossfire X's original content, Point Capture Mode, have been introduced.

What's unique about the game is that the development of the single campaign is handled by famous Finnish developer "Remedy Entertainment". It is a developer who has been recognized for its outstanding storytelling and directing skills through various works. In July 2020, the actual play video of the single-play content was released for the first time at the XBOX Games Showcase. Using the "Northlight engine" developed by Remedy Entertainment, the movie-like quality Cinematic Cut-Sine showed the unique production of Crossfire X, which naturally connects to the actual play screen. The goal was to launch in the second half of last year, but the launch was extended to 2021. Crossfire, which is successful only in China, is now waiting for worldwide success.

Go watch the Crossfire game play video

OUTRIDERS / https://square-enix-games.com

Square Knicks' New OUTRIDERS

, made by Squar eNix Development, will be released in April 2021. It is a third-person shooter action game and includes collaborative play contents from solo play to two-person cooperation and three-person cooperation. The story of this game is as follows. In 2076 mankind abandoned the devastated Earth and left for a new planet, and the planet is a harsh place with distorted time and space, and a battle unfolds among migrants over limited resources.


In the pre-released video, the commandments for survival say, "There is a cover for a coward," "There is a power to exercise at any time," "You must kill to recover," and "Think about aggression." Action is expected to relieve stress. PC Steam and PS4, PS5, XBOX ONE, and XBOX Series X are available to play this game. In particular, it is said to support cross-play, which is expected to enable a smoother matching system 바카라사이트.

Go to Outriders Game Play Video

BACK 4 BLOOD / https://otakukart.com

The new BACK 4BLOOD being created by the developer of the Left 4 Dead series.

The new work was unveiled at Turtle Rock Studios, the developer of the Left 4 Dead series, which is still enjoyed by many players. Back4 Blood is a game made of zombie apocalypse material. For those who don't know about Zombie Apocalypse, let me introduce it briefly. Apocalypse is a worldview of zombies appearing on Earth, destroying them, and a small number of humans fighting for their survival. In this game, the player is a member of a group called "Cleaner," which specializes in handling infections, and has a worldview to fight the zombie crisis. Starting with the first release in 2019, I have experience of trailer and demo play videos being released at "The Game Awards 2020." And as the free alpha progresses, it is gradually almost complete. The locations where you can play this game are PC and PS4, XBOX ONE and XBOX series X/S, and the release date is June 2021.

Go to BACK 4 BLOOD Trailer Video

DEATH LOOP / https://bethesda.net

First-person action game DEATH LOOP

First-person infiltration action game DEATHLOOP developed by Arkane Studios will be released in May 2021. The story of this game tells the story of Colt, the main character trapped on Blackleaf Island, which is repeated every day. Colt is a game where you have to cut off the time loop by eliminating all the targets 24 hours a day using various firearms, close weapons, and superpowers. The game was originally scheduled to be released with the release of PS5 at the end of 2020, but due to COVID-19, the release was delayed until May 2021. The locations where you can play this game are PC and PS5, and the console is monopolized for 12 months. It's not available on XBOX for a year.


Akane Studios, which developed DEATH LOOP, has been acquired by Microsoft. However, since the exclusive contract was already over before the acquisition, there was a funny but sad situation that PS, not XBOX, released.

Go to the DEATH LOOP game play video


I briefly introduced the FPS games that will be released soon in 2021. Rather than just reading the games introduced in writing, you can move through the link to watch trailer videos and game play videos. Who can take over Call of Duty's reputation? I will play all the FPS games I introduced myself and evaluate once again what I felt and whether I can inherit the fame of Call of Duty. That's it for introducing FPS games that are scheduled to be released in 2021.



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