The review of Forza Horizon 4 and the advantages and disadvantages I felt.


Forza Horizon 4 /

Are you interested in racing games? Many of them are playing and I will introduce you to the most popular racing game, Forza Horizon 4, what I felt and the advantages and disadvantages of this game. I hope my posting will help those who decide whether to purchase Forza Horizon 4 or not. I've played a lot of time and I'll explain honestly what I felt after participating in various events.


Forza Horizon 4 Strong point

Let me explain the advantages of Forza Horizon 4. The first is a wide variety of manufacturers and many kinds of cars. The decisive reason for playing racing games may be that you can drive the car you want and get a feeling about it. Forza Horizon 4 is enough to satisfy all of these elements. The reason is that there are so many manufacturers and many cars. Lamborghini, Ferrari, McLaren, Benz, BMW, FORD, Porsche, and so on. At the same time, the Forza Horizon 4 deals with manufacturers that everyone might have heard of at least once, and what's more appealing is that they don't handle cars that other racing games don't.


The question you might be curious about may be, "There are many other racing games, too." However, when it comes to implementation and completeness, Forza Horizon 4. Next, I'll explain the second advantage. The second advantage is that even classic cars that were left out can be experienced in Forza Horizon 4 games. And in reality, there are a lot of cars that are often used, but they are left out because it is a racing game, and there are so many vehicles that have been excluded because of the speed of the racing game. Most people like the latest cars and sports cars, but others prefer classic cars, and they want to drive and experience classic cars themselves However, most racing games lack diversity due to the small number of classic vehicles that have been left out, not released, or released.

Variety of cars Forza horizen 4 /

With Forza Horizon 4, classic vehicles are deployed in a variety of precision and precision to the point where you might think that there are more classic vehicles. In addition, classic vehicle missions and events often appear and use classic vehicles, which is very pleasant news for people who like classic vehicles. Even 1930s vehicles are implemented, and you can tune them and even enjoy racing. Additionally, when you think of Volvo and Volkswagen, there are race cars, but aren't trucks and buses more familiar? Other racing games do not implement vehicles such as buses or trucks. Because I don't think it goes well with racing. But with Forza Horizon 4, you can enjoy racing with trucks and even performance. The same goes for buses. When you think of trucks or buses, you will think that they are very slow vehicles. Nevertheless, with Forza Horizon 4, there are a variety of cars that eliminate the prejudice that they are slow.

Let me explain the third advantage. Content is important in order to enjoy the game consistently without being bored. Forza Horizon 4 comes in a total of five race modes: Road, street, unpaved, cross country, drag mode. But this is not the end. There is a story mode race prepared for players who like to play alone. There are many different modes of story mode race, and there is no rough idea for each type of story race. They're all perfect. And multi-purpose race mode is implemented for multi-play lovers. Furthermore, updates to Forza Horizon 4 have been consistent. Festival plays will be held by spring, summer, fall, and winter (season), and missions will be held for each season, and you can earn money and get a car by using these factors. And an extended DLC version is available. Starting with mainland England, there are a variety of races and game contents from Fortune Island & Lego DLC that can be not boring. Having played Forza Horizon 4 hard for months, I also haven't enjoyed all the content yet.

The fourth advantage is that online adventure activation is well done. Playing games with high-quality AI is fun, but wouldn't it be more fun to race against other people? Multiplayer is available in various modes and genres, so you can enjoy multiplayer according to your ability or preference.

The fifth advantage is that I have been playing Forza Horizon 4 for a long time. Forza Horizon 4 does not require additional charging after purchasing the game. Having encountered many racing games, it was very difficult for me to enjoy the game without additional charging. After purchasing the Forza Horizon 4, if you continue to participate in events or race, you can get a wide range of vehicles, costumes, and decorative items. And there is a system that can get enough money in the game. But the thing to be careful about is that it may be a little difficult for those who purchased the standard version. You must purchase an additional DLC to enjoy this game. I bought the Ultimate version and it was very easy to play because there were many benefits. It's expensive, but I think it's worth it 우리카지노.

Optimization Forza Horizen 4 /

This the last strong point. I think it's the part that many people worry about and are most curious about. The last advantage is that it is related to optimization. Forza Horizon 4 is optimized very well. Optimization-related updates continue to occur in Forza Horizon 4. My graphics card is GTX 1080 TI and CPU is 17-8700K, but I use 30-40% CPU and 5-15% GPU to play the Forza Horizon 4 specification as the highest specification. This optimization is less active than a typical optional program on. The final advantage of Forza Horizon 4 is that it has the best optimization. You can feel this part if you play it yourself.

Forza Horizon 4 weakness

The disadvantage of Forza Horizon 4 is that it's an expensive game. Forza Horizon 4's standard price is $59.99$ and Ultimate Edition 99.99$. It's a very burdensome amount for students. The Forza Horizon 4 is expensive unless you buy it with a discount.

The second disadvantage is the specifications for playing Forza Horizon 4. Even if it's well optimized, you need to have a computer with a specification. The minimum and recommended specifications of Forza Horizon 4 require computer specifications. It is difficult to play with an old computer or a computer that has been purchased for a long time. Personally, I think GRX 1050TI or 10606G will be able to play


Did you read about the advantages and disadvantages of Forza Horizon 4 that I wrote? The advantages and disadvantages that I thought of are over here. Lastly, to think subjectively, I think it's the best racing game for me right now. The cost paid for the purchase was also not a waste. I bought the Ultimate edition on Black Friday at a low price of 15%, but I'm still very satisfied. If you like racing games and cars, this game will be the best game. You can freely leave your thoughts in the comments after reading my comments. Thank you.




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